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The Power of Play

Play is a natural behaviour for dogs and provides countless benefits for both their physical and mental wellbeing. Research has shown that playtime is critical to a dog’s overall health and happiness, whether it’s playing with humans or other dogs. In this post we’ll explore the power of play and why your dog should be having more fun!

dogs jumping in a field

1. Physical Exercise:

Time spent playing provides a fantastic opportunity for your dog to get the exercise they need in order to maintain good health. Dogs that engage in regular play have better cardiovascular fitness, improved muscle tone and better overall agility than dogs who do not.

2. Mental Stimulation:

Play isn’t just physical. Play has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs by allowing them to release pent-up energy and through the release of feel good chemicals in the body. Playtime also helps to provide a natural outlet for your dog’s curiosity and intelligence, which can lessen destructive or unwanted behaviours.

3. Socialisation:

Dogs are social animals, and playing with other dogs provides important opportunities for socialisation. Through play, dogs learn important social cues and communication skills, helping them to develop healthy relationships with other dogs. According to a study published in the journal of Animal Behaviour, dogs that engage in regular play with other dogs have better social skills and are less likely to exhibit aggressive behaviour. Of course we need to teach our dogs they can’t play with everyone they meet, but structured and managed play is important!

4. Bonding:

Playing with humans helps to strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners. When we play with our dogs both the human and dog experience a surge in Oxytocin, a feel good, social bonding hormone. Shared play strengthens the emotional connection between you and your dog,

5. Training:

Play is an incredibly powerful training tool. It has been shown that dogs who engage in play-based training have better retention of learned behaviours and are more likely to exhibit good behaviour in the future. If you want your dog to learn, you’re better off making it fun!

6. Health Benefits:

Dogs that engage in regular play have been shown to have better immune system function and are less likely to develop chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

7. Confidence Building:

Through play, dogs can build confidence and self-esteem. By engaging in games and activities, dogs learn to trust their instincts, explore their environment, and push themselves beyond their comfort zones. If you’re looking to build your dog’s confidence, regular play is a great place to start.

As you can see, play is powerful! Whether it’s playing with humans or other dogs, incorporating play into your dog’s routine is vital for their happiness and wellbeing. This is why we include play in everything we do!

Life can get a little serious and boring at times… Take some time each day to play with your dog, have a little fun and watch your dog light up!

If you’d like your dog to join our Group Walks, Club Playtime, or want some advice on how to get the most out of your play with your dog, get in touch, we’re play professionals!


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