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Effective date: June 6, 2024

Terms & Conditions

This is the serious stuff. Use of any of our services acknowledges and accepts the following terms and conditions. Please take the time to read through this page carefully!

Dog Care Services - Terms and Conditions


  • All dogs admitted to our services must complete our joining process which includes a thorough behavioural assessment and trial period. Cam’s Dog Club reserves the right to refuse admission to any dog deemed in our absolute discretion to be, or have the potential to be, disruptive or dangerous.

  • Service will not be provided for dogs that exhibit human-directed aggression. No dog will be allowed to mix in a group if it exhibits dog-directed aggression. 

  • By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you accept that you have, to the best of your knowledge, made Cam’s Dog Club aware of any potentially problematic behaviours. 

  • The client agrees to notify Cam’s Dog Club immediately of any unwelcome, aggressive, procreative, or dangerous behaviours their dog exhibits.

  • Your dog must be able to travel within the purpose built transport crates in our vehicles without stress, nausea or noise. We will only allow dogs to travel in the same crate if they have been introduced prior and are deemed appropriate travel companions.


  • By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you accept that you have, to the best of your knowledge, made Cam’s Dog Club aware of any health problems your dog has.

  • Your dog must be fit and healthy, capable of play and exercise within the realms of what is provided by the service of choice. If you have any concerns about your dogs activity level you will make Cam’s Dog Club aware in the first instance.

  • You agree that your dog is healthy and at all times will have current vaccinations and regular treatment for worms, ticks and fleas. Clients must provide up to date copies of vaccination records. 

  • Clients must understand that dogs vaccinated for kennel cough are still capable of contracting kennel cough. You accept you will not hold Cam’s Dog Club responsible if your dog does contract kennel cough.

  • Clients are responsible for ensuring efficacy of any treatment given to their dog(s) for worms, fleas and ticks. You agree to regularly check your dog and inform Cam’s Dog Club if your dog has had any parasites. 

  • If a dog has fleas the owner must notify Cam’s Dog Club. Service will not be provided until the dog is free of fleas to minimise transmission.

Neutering / Spaying:

  • Whilst we have no specific policy requiring neutering, Cam’s Dog Club reserves the right to refuse service to entire male dogs at our discretion.

  • Clients must notify Cam’s Dog Club if their female dog comes into season. Service will either be halted or an alternative solo dog walk or drop in service will be provided.

Illness / Injury:

  • If a dog is showing signs of infectious illness, such as diarrhoea or kennel cough, the owner must notify Cam’s Dog Club. The dog will not be able to attend any group walks until symptoms have cleared for a minimum of 24 hours depending on the condition. 

  • By enrolling your dog(s) at Cam’s Dog Club you confirm that you are the legal owner of the dog(s) and assume all risks, dangers and responsibility for injuries to or caused by the named dog(s).

  • Clients agree to cover any costs relating to accidents or injuries that occur in relation to their dog. All interaction and dog play is monitored carefully by experienced and professional Club Leaders in order to avoid incidents. The client however understands that if injuries do occur they will be responsible for veterinary fees. You are advised to insure your pet. Cam’s Dog Club and its employees can not accept responsibility for the injury, illness or death of dogs in our care.

  • In the instance of an injury or illness every effort will be made to contact the client, and if this is not possible, the emergency contact. If no contact can be made the client authorises Cam’s Dog Club to seek veterinary advice and / or treatment as they deem necessary. Where possible this will be at the dog’s registered vet, however if necessary Cam’s Dog Club may have to use an alternative veterinary practice. The client is responsible for all costs related to this care.

Cancellations and Payment:

  • Please note, we would appreciate no less than 48 hours notice of any cancellations. Any late cancellations will be liable for the full charge if we are unable to fill the space.

  • Payment must be made in advance of the service date, preferably by bank transfer.

  • All invoices must be paid in full within 3 days of receipt.

Extreme Conditions:​

  • When the weather is extremely hot and perilous, walks will be shortened accordingly. Walks may be rescheduled to earlier in the day to avoid the midday heat. Every effort will be made by Cam’s Dog Club to inform you of any changes to the duration and timing of their visit. 

  • Walks will be shortened or rescheduled accordingly if the weather is extreme, such as gale force winds or rain leading to flooding. This will be done to ensure the safety of the dogs and to allow Cam’s Dog Club to reach all of the pets in their care in the event of travel disruption.

  • If the weather is below freezing and paths and roads are icy walks may be canceled or rescheduled due to safety issues. 


  • As required by law, all dogs must wear a collar with an identity tag and be microchipped.

  • If the dog is left without a collar on in the house the client will leave the collar at the point of entry, or in a previously agreed location. 

  • If dogs require towelling off after a walk, towels must be provided and left at the point of entry to the house.

  • Every attempt will be made to towel down your dog's muddy feet effectively. If the conditions are particularly muddy it may not be possible to completely clean them. Mud is often easier to clean off when dry. It is advised that the client arranges a suitable area for the dog to be left in to minimise disturbance to the house if the dog gets dirty.

  • The client understands that their dog will only be let off of the lead if given specific, signed permission from the owner.

  • Clients must ensure access is available to where the dog(s) are kept at the time required. Charges will still apply if access to the property cannot be gained.

  • The client agrees to provide keys or arrange access for the dog for the agreed appointment. The client accepts that, by signing the key holder waiver form this will indemnify Cam’s Dog Club in full against liability arising from loss or damage to the property or its contents, in present and future circumstances.

  • At least one months notice will be given for any days where your dog walker will be absent. 

  • All of Cam's Dog Club Leaders and employees must be treated with respect by clients. Any behaviour deemed as inappropriate will result in immediate cancellation of all future bookings.

  • Cam’s Dog Club reserves the right to refuse service to any dog or client if it is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Club Leaders. Clients can be excluded irrespective of the length of time they have been members of the Club.


Cat and Pet Care Services - Terms and Conditions

Client’s Responsibilities:

  • I agree to provide keys / arrange for keys to be available for Cam’s Dog Club appointments.

  • I authorize Cam’s Dog Club to obtain any emergency veterinary care that may be necessary during the time spent with my pet. Every effort will be made to contact the owner prior to seeking emergency care. I (the owner) accept full responsibility for any charges that may arise for emergency care. If my veterinarian cannot be reached I give my permission for Cam’s Dog Club to use a substitute veterinarian. 

  • I agree to reimburse Cam’s Dog Club for any added costs that may have occurred when providing emergency care to my pet. I am mindful that I will also be expected to cover any other expenses including extra visits, transportation, food, or supplies. I understand I will be provided with receipts as evidence of these expenses.

  • If my pet injures the pet sitter caring for them or any other person during their pet sit sitting assignment, I understand I will be solely responsible for any medical expenses and damages. I agree to hold harmless Cam’s Dog Club in the event of a claim by any third party injured by my pet. I accept full liability for any loss or damage caused by my pet during the pet sitting assignment.

  • I agree to notify Cam’s Dog Club of any concerns/complaints within 24 hours of the pet sitting assignment ending and expect a response within 48 hours.

  • I understand any misleading or false information that may result in the safety of your pet or the pet sitter, may result in the termination of the pet sitting agreement, immediately. 

  • I agree that if it is required, I will book and pay for visits before the pet sitting assignment so my pet feels safe and secure with Cam’s Dog Club.

  • I understand I must state if my pet shows any kind of aggression and disclose if they have any characteristic problems or tendencies that may interfere with caring for them so that the pet sitter can assess if caring for my pet may be unsafe. Cam’s Dog Club must decline to care for pets that imperil their safety or the safety of others.

Cam’s Dog Club Responsibilities

  • Cam’s Dog Club agrees to provide the services stated in this agreement in a reliable, kind, and trustworthy manner. The client waives any claims made against Cam’s Dog Club, and its employees during the pet sitting assignment except for incidences resulting from the negligence of the Petsitter. In this instance Cam’s Dog Club must be notified straight away.

  • Cam’s Dog Club will abide by the Pet Industry standards and regulations at all times to ensure your pet is looked after to the highest possible standards.

  • Cam’s Dog Club accepts no responsibility for the security of the premises or loss of personal property if other individuals have access to the home during the term of this agreement. Please inform the pet sitter of any other person with access to your home. 

  • During all assignments, pet care will only be carried out by Cam’s Dog Club owner or employees unless previously arranged with the client. Cam’s Dog Club will not be held liable for any theft or damage to the client's property or any injury to your pets if anyone else has access to the property unless negligence by the pet sitter can be proven.

  • Cam’s Dog Club will not let any dog off of their lead unless the owner has given written consent in the registration forms.

  • If unforeseen circumstances occur when Cam’s Dog Club cannot attend to your pet's needs due to illness etc, you will be notified straight away and another pet sitter will be assigned with your permission.

  • Cam’s Dog Club will not be held responsible for any damage sustained by a pet becoming loose and escaping due to a faulty lead/collar or a collar that is not suitably fitted. Cam’s Dog Club will not be held liable for a pet that escapes through an unsecured access point in the client's home or garden.

  • Cam’s Dog Club will not be held liable for the injuries, disappearance, death, or accidents of any pet that has unsupervised access to outdoor space. 

  • It is clearly understood that Cam’s Dog Club will not be held liable/responsible for any damage to the client's property, caused by the client's pets during the pet sitting assignment. The client has informed Cam’s Dog Club of any unsecured access points and possible escape routes, which will relieve it of liability or damage. 

  • Cam’s Dog Club reserve the right to terminate this agreement at any time, at its sole discretion. The client also has the right to cancel this agreement at any time as long as one month's notice is given before the pet sitting assignment starts.

  • If CCTV cameras and internal cameras are installed, the pet sitter must be made aware of these before the assignment starts.

  • The client will inform the pet sitter if anyone is expected to attend the property during the client's absence, i.e. a friend, or workmen, and whether or not they have permission to access the property.

  • The client will inform their vet prior to leaving of their absence and give details of the assigned pet sitter.

  • Cam’s Dog Club agrees to love and care for your pet whilst you are away or at work.

Emergency care​

  • In the unexpected case of an emergency, the pet sitter will contact the owner using the phone numbers detailed in the introduction forms. The owner will then instruct the pet sitter on their next actions. If for whatever reason the pet sitter cannot make contact with the owner the emergency number stated on the introduction forms will then be called. If contact cannot be made the pet sitter will then be authorised to transport the pet to their requested veterinarian practice and seek emergency medical care. All costs will be covered by the owner.

  • Any extra supplies that are needed during the pet sitting assignment will be the responsibility of the client and Cam’s Dog Club should be reimbursed along with compensation for extra working time.

Cancellation Policy

  • One month's notice must be given for any pet sitting assignment to be canceled. Anything less will require full payment to Cam’s Dog Club This is so the slot can be filled.

  • Full payment must still be paid regardless of any early return home by the clients. This is to cover the slot booked.


  • Invoices will be sent out prior to the agreed assignment and must be paid in full within 3 days to Cam’s Dog Club. This can be done by bank transfer or cash can be dropped off one month before the agreed date.

CCTV cameras & house alarms

  • If CCTV cameras and internal cameras are used, the pet sitter must be made aware of these before the assignment starts. Please inform your pet sitter about your home security system and provide them with codes to enable easy access to the property.

Home Security

  • Cam’s Dog Club will keep all house keys, key codes, security codes, and any personal information from the client safe and confidential.

  • All keys and the client's personal items will be returned to the client at the end of the agreement if not stated otherwise.

  • Client must make sure all keys provided are the correct ones before the pet sitting assignment commences. Please double-check the keys.

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